Source code for atip.load_sim

"""Module responsible for handling the loading of simulator data sources."""
import at
import pytac
from pytac.exceptions import FieldException
from pytac.load_csv import DEFAULT_UC

from atip.simulator import ATSimulator
from atip.sim_data_sources import ATElementDataSource, ATLatticeDataSource

# List of all the element fields that can be currently simulated.
SIMULATED_FIELDS = {'a1', 'b0', 'b1', 'b2', 'x', 'y', 'f', 'x_kick', 'y_kick'}

[docs]def load_from_filepath(pytac_lattice, at_lattice_filepath, callback=None): """Load simulator data sources onto the lattice and its elements. Args: pytac_lattice (pytac.lattice.Lattice): An instance of a Pytac lattice. at_lattice_filepath (str): The path to a .mat file from which the Accelerator Toolbox lattice can be loaded. callback (callable): To be called after completion of each round of physics calculations. Returns: pytac.lattice.Lattice: The same Pytac lattice object, but now with a simulator data source fully loaded onto it. """ at_lattice = at.load.load_mat(at_lattice_filepath,, energy=pytac_lattice.get_value('energy')) return load(pytac_lattice, at_lattice, callback)
[docs]def load(pytac_lattice, at_lattice, callback=None): """Load simulator data sources onto the lattice and its elements. Args: pytac_lattice (pytac.lattice.Lattice): An instance of a Pytac lattice. at_lattice (at.lattice_object.Lattice): An instance of an Accelerator Toolbox lattice object. callback (callable): To be called after completion of each round of physics calculations. Returns: pytac.lattice.Lattice: The same Pytac lattice object, but now with a simulator data source fully loaded onto it. """ if len(at_lattice) != len(pytac_lattice): raise ValueError("Incompatible AT and Pytac lattices, length mismatch " "(AT:{0} Pytac:{1}).".format(len(at_lattice), len(pytac_lattice))) # Initialise an instance of the ATSimulator Object. atsim = ATSimulator(at_lattice, callback) # Set the simulator data source on the Pytac lattice. pytac_lattice.set_data_source(ATLatticeDataSource(atsim), pytac.SIM) # Load the sim onto each element. for e in pytac_lattice: # Determine which fields each simulated element should have. sim_fields = list(set(e.get_fields()[pytac.LIVE]) & SIMULATED_FIELDS) # Set the simulator data source on each element. e.set_data_source(ATElementDataSource(at_lattice[e.index - 1], e.index, atsim, sim_fields), pytac.SIM) # Give any lattice fields not on the live machine a unit conversion object. for field in pytac_lattice.get_fields()[pytac.SIM]: try: pytac_lattice.get_unitconv(field) except FieldException: pytac_lattice.set_unitconv(field, DEFAULT_UC) return pytac_lattice