Source code for atip.utils

import atip
import at
import pytac
import os

[docs]def load_at_lattice(mode='DIAD', **kwargs): """Load an AT lattice from a .mat file in the 'rings' directory. .. Note:: I add custom attributes 'Index' and 'Class' to each of the elements in the AT lattice as I find them useful for debugging. Args: mode (str): The lattice operation mode. kwargs: any keyword arguments are passed to the AT lattice creator. Returns: at.lattice.Lattice: An AT lattice object. """ filepath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ''.join(['rings/', mode.lower(), '.mat'])) at_lattice = at.load.load_mat(filepath, **kwargs) for index, elem in enumerate(at_lattice): elem.Index = index + 1 elem.Class = elem.__class__.__name__ return at_lattice
[docs]def loader(mode='DIAD', callback=None): """Load a unified lattice of the specifed mode. .. Note:: A unified lattice is a Pytac lattice where the corresponding AT lattice has been loaded into the Pytac lattice's simulator data source by means of ATIP. Args: mode (str): The lattice operation mode. callback (callable): Callable to be called after completion of each round of physics calculations in ATSimulator. Returns: pytac.lattice.Lattice: A Pytac lattice object with the simulator data source loaded. """ pytac_lattice = pytac.load_csv.load(mode, symmetry=24) at_lattice = load_at_lattice(mode,, periodicity=1, energy=pytac_lattice.get_value('energy')) lattice = atip.load_sim.load(pytac_lattice, at_lattice, callback) return lattice
[docs]def preload_at(at_lat): """Load the elements onto an 'elems' object's attributes by type so that groups of elements of the same type (class) can be more easily accessed, e.g. 'elems.dipole' will return a list of all the dipoles in the lattice. As a special case 'elems.all' will return all the elements in the lattice. Args: at_lat (at.lattice.Lattice): The AT lattice object from which to get the elements. returns: obj: The elems object with the elements loaded onto it by type. """ class elems(): pass setattr(elems, "all", [elem for elem in at_lat]) elems_dict = {type_: [] for type_ in ['ThinMultipole', 'Quadrupole', 'M66', 'Octupole', 'Sextupole', 'Corrector', 'LongElement', 'Element', 'RFCavity', 'Monitor', 'Bend', 'Marker', 'Drift', 'Multipole', 'Aperture', 'Dipole']} for elem in at_lat: elems_dict[type(elem).__name__].append(elem) for elem_type, elements in elems_dict.items(): if len(elements) > 0: setattr(elems, elem_type.lower(), elements) return elems
[docs]def preload(pytac_lat): """Load the elements onto an 'elems' object's attributes by family so that groups of elements of the same family can be more easily accessed, e.g. 'elems.bpm' will return a list of all the BPMs in the lattice. As a special case 'elems.all' will return all the elements in the lattice. Args: pytac_lat (pytac.lattice.Lattice): The Pytac lattice object from which to get the elements. returns: obj: The elems object with the elements loaded onto it by family. """ class elems(): pass setattr(elems, "all", pytac_lat.get_elements()) for family in pytac_lat.get_all_families(): setattr(elems, family.lower(), pytac_lat.get_elements(family)) return elems
[docs]def get_atsim(target): """Get the ATSimulator object being used by a unified Pytac lattice. Args: target (pytac.lattice.Lattice or ATSimulator): An ATSimulator object or a Pytac lattice from which an ATSimulator object can be extracted. Returns: ATSimulator: The simulator object performing the physics calculations. """ if isinstance(target, atip.simulator.ATSimulator): return target else: # Pytac lattice return target._data_source_manager._data_sources[pytac.SIM]._atsim
[docs]def get_sim_lattice(target): """Get the AT lattice that the simulator is using. Args: target (pytac.lattice.Lattice or ATSimulator): An ATSimulator object or a Pytac lattice from which an ATSimulator object can be extracted. Returns: at.lattice.Lattice: The corresponding AT lattice used by the simulator. """ return get_atsim(target).get_at_lattice()
[docs]def toggle_thread(target): """Pause or unpause the ATSimulator calculation thread. Args: target (pytac.lattice.Lattice or ATSimulator): An ATSimulator object or a Pytac lattice from which an ATSimulator object can be extracted. """ get_atsim(target).toggle_calculations()
[docs]def trigger_calc(target): """Manually trigger a recalculation of the physics data on the ATSimulator object of the given unified Pytac lattice. Args: target (pytac.lattice.Lattice or ATSimulator): An ATSimulator object or a Pytac lattice from which an ATSimulator object can be extracted. """ def do_nothing(*args): pass atsim = get_atsim(target) atsim.up_to_date.Reset() atsim._paused.Reset() atsim._queue.Signal((do_nothing, None, None)) print("Recalculation manually triggered.")